Day 15–101 Days of DevOps — Introduction to AWS Boto3

Prashant Lakhera
5 min readJul 15, 2021


Welcome to Day 15 of 101 Days of DevOps. The topic for today is an AWS Boto3. This week we are going to follow the approach where I want to dig deeper into one topic. I will start with a basic introduction and give you five real-world examples to solve problems using Boto3.

To view the complete course, please check the below url.

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Day 15: Introduction to Boto3

Day 16: Boto3 Concepts(Waiter, Meta, and Paginator)

Day 17: Stopping/Starting EC2 Instance using Boto3

Day18: Rotating IAM Keys using Boto3

Day 19: Cleanup unused AMI using Boto3

Day20: Creating and cleanup snapshot using Boto3

Day21: Boto3 script to check if VPC Flowlog enabled

What is Boto3?

Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python. It enables Python developers to create, configure, and manage AWS services, such as EC2 and S3. Boto3 provides an easy-to-use, object-oriented API, as well as low-level access to AWS services.

Boto3 is built on the top of a library called Botocore, which the AWS CLI shares. Botocore provides the low-level clients, session and credentials, and configuration data. Boto3 built on the top of Botocore by providing its own session, resources, collections, waiters, and paginators.

Botocore is the basis for the aws-cli.


Installing boto3

$ pip3 install boto3 --user
  • --user By default, pip install packages to a system directory(e.g. /usr/local/lib/python3.9) and this requires root privilege. By using — user flag will makes pip install packages in your home directory instead, which doesn’t require any special privileges.
  • Next, you need to configure the aws command line by proving your aws account security credentials, region name, and default output format. In case if you don’t have awscli installed, you can install it using the below command.
sudo pip3 install awscli
  • By using this provided value, aws cli is going to interact with your AWS account. To configure it, run the aws configure command.
# Configure your aws credentials
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************XXXX]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************XXXX]:
Default region name [us-west-2]:
Default output format [json]:
  • To test it
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
"Account": "1234567889",
"UserId": "XXXXXXXXX",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567889:user/plakhera"

Some key terms

  • Session: In the simplest term, it’s our AWS management console or, in other words initiating the connectivity to AWS services. A session manages the state of a particular configuration. A default session is created for us when needed, but we can create our own session and create low-level resources or clients. A typical session looks like this.
# Default Session
ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2")
# Custom Session>>> session=boto3.session.Session(profile_name="<profile>")
>>> ec2 = session.resource("ec2")
>>> s3 = session.client("s3")

Session typically stores the following information.

  1. Your AWS Credentials
  2. AWS Region
  3. Other configurations related to your profile
  • You can create your profile using the aws configure command; else, the default profile is selected.
>>> aws configure --profile <profile name>
  • Resources: Resources represent an object-oriented interface to AWS services. It provides a higher-level abstraction than the raw, low-level calls made by the service client.
>>> ec2_con=session.resource(service_name="service name",region_name="region name")
>>> ec2_con=session.resource(service_name="ec2",region_name="us-west-2")

NOTE: Not all AWS services support resources; if you are looking to support all AWS features, you need to use client.

  • To get the list of services supported by the resource
>>> session.get_available_resources()
['cloudformation', 'cloudwatch', 'dynamodb', 'ec2', 'glacier', 'iam', 'opsworks', 's3', 'sns', 'sqs']
  • Clients: Clients provide a low-level interface to AWS whose methods map close to 1:1 with service API. Clients are generated from a JSON service definition file.

NOTE: The important point to remember clients support all AWS services operations.

>>> session.get_available_services()
['accessanalyzer', 'acm', 'acm-pca', 'alexaforbusiness', 'amp', 'amplify', 'amplifybackend', 'apigateway', 'apigatewaymanagementapi', 'apigatewayv2', 'appconfig', 'appflow', 'appintegrations', 'application-autos
caling', 'application-insights', 'applicationcostprofiler', 'appmesh', 'apprunner', 'appstream', 'appsync', 'athena', 'auditmanager', 'autoscaling', 'autoscaling-plans', 'backup', 'batch', 'braket', 'budgets', '
ce', 'chime', 'cloud9', 'clouddirectory', 'cloudformation', 'cloudfront', 'cloudhsm', 'cloudhsmv2', 'cloudsearch', 'cloudsearchdomain', 'cloudtrail', 'cloudwatch', 'codeartifact', 'codebuild', 'codecommit', 'cod
edeploy', 'codeguru-reviewer', 'codeguruprofiler', 'codepipeline', 'codestar', 'codestar-connections', 'codestar-notifications', 'cognito-identity', 'cognito-idp', 'cognito-sync', 'comprehend', 'comprehendmedica
l', 'compute-optimizer', 'config', 'connect', 'connect-contact-lens', 'connectparticipant', 'cur', 'customer-profiles', 'databrew', 'dataexchange', 'datapipeline', 'datasync', 'dax', 'detective', 'devicefarm', '
devops-guru', 'directconnect', 'discovery', 'dlm', 'dms', 'docdb', 'ds', 'dynamodb', 'dynamodbstreams', 'ebs', 'ec2', 'ec2-instance-connect', 'ecr', 'ecr-public', 'ecs', 'efs', 'eks', 'elastic-inference', 'elast
icache', 'elasticbeanstalk', 'elastictranscoder', 'elb', 'elbv2', 'emr', 'emr-containers', 'es', 'events', 'finspace', 'finspace-data', 'firehose', 'fis', 'fms', 'forecast', 'forecastquery', 'frauddetector', 'fs
x', 'gamelift', 'glacier', 'globalaccelerator', 'glue', 'greengrass', 'greengrassv2', 'groundstation', 'guardduty', 'health', 'healthlake', 'honeycode', 'iam', 'identitystore', 'imagebuilder', 'importexport', 'i
nspector', 'iot', 'iot-data', 'iot-jobs-data', 'iot1click-devices', 'iot1click-projects', 'iotanalytics', 'iotdeviceadvisor', 'iotevents', 'iotevents-data', 'iotfleethub', 'iotsecuretunneling', 'iotsitewise', 'i
otthingsgraph', 'iotwireless', 'ivs', 'kafka', 'kendra', 'kinesis', 'kinesis-video-archived-media', 'kinesis-video-media', 'kinesis-video-signaling', 'kinesisanalytics', 'kinesisanalyticsv2', 'kinesisvideo', 'km
s', 'lakeformation', 'lambda', 'lex-models', 'lex-runtime', 'lexv2-models', 'lexv2-runtime', 'license-manager', 'lightsail', 'location', 'logs', 'lookoutequipment', 'lookoutmetrics', 'lookoutvision', 'machinelea
rning', 'macie', 'macie2', 'managedblockchain', 'marketplace-catalog', 'marketplace-entitlement', 'marketplacecommerceanalytics', 'mediaconnect', 'mediaconvert', 'medialive', 'mediapackage', 'mediapackage-vod',
'mediastore', 'mediastore-data', 'mediatailor', 'meteringmarketplace', 'mgh', 'mgn', 'migrationhub-config', 'mobile', 'mq', 'mturk', 'mwaa', 'neptune', 'network-firewall', 'networkmanager', 'nimble', 'opsworks',
'opsworkscm', 'organizations', 'outposts', 'personalize', 'personalize-events', 'personalize-runtime', 'pi', 'pinpoint', 'pinpoint-email', 'pinpoint-sms-voice', 'polly', 'pricing', 'qldb', 'qldb-session', 'quic
ksight', 'ram', 'rds', 'rds-data', 'redshift', 'redshift-data', 'rekognition', 'resource-groups', 'resourcegroupstaggingapi', 'robomaker', 'route53', 'route53domains', 'route53resolver', 's3', 's3control', 's3ou
tposts', 'sagemaker', 'sagemaker-a2i-runtime', 'sagemaker-edge', 'sagemaker-featurestore-runtime', 'sagemaker-runtime', 'savingsplans', 'schemas', 'sdb', 'secretsmanager', 'securityhub', 'serverlessrepo', 'servi
ce-quotas', 'servicecatalog', 'servicecatalog-appregistry', 'servicediscovery', 'ses', 'sesv2', 'shield', 'signer', 'sms', 'sms-voice', 'snowball', 'sns', 'sqs', 'ssm', 'ssm-contacts', 'ssm-incidents', 'sso', 's
so-admin', 'sso-oidc', 'stepfunctions', 'storagegateway', 'sts', 'support', 'swf', 'synthetics', 'textract', 'timestream-query', 'timestream-write', 'transcribe', 'transfer', 'translate', 'waf', 'waf-regional',
'wafv2', 'wellarchitected', 'workdocs', 'worklink', 'workmail', 'workmailmessageflow', 'workspaces', 'xray']

Some common Tasks

  1. List all S3 buckets
>>> import boto3# Create high level resource using boto3
>>> s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
# Print all the bucket name
>>> for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
... print(

2: List all IAM users using Client and Resource

import boto3aws_mgt_con=boto3.session.Session()session=aws_mgt_con.resource(service_name="iam")session_cli=aws_mgt_con.client(service_name="iam")# Using Resource
for user in session.users.all():
print( Using Clientprint(session_cli.get_user()['User']['UserName'])

As you can see in the above example, the Resource version of code is much simpler and compact than the client, and it automatically does pagination for you.

I am looking forward to you guys joining the amazing journey.



Prashant Lakhera
Prashant Lakhera

Written by Prashant Lakhera

AWS Community Builder, Ex-Redhat, Author, Blogger, YouTuber, RHCA, RHCDS, RHCE, Docker Certified,4XAWS, CCNA, MCP, Certified Jenkins, Terraform Certified, 1XGCP

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