21 Days of Docker
Thanks, everyone who was the part of my earlier journey 100 Days of DevOps http://100daysofdevops.com/day-100-100-days-of-devops/
As I promised earlier that I will come up with something better in the next few months which is not the full-fledge 100days but breaking down into small components and this time 21 Days of Docker.
Starting from Oct 7, I am starting a Program, which is called “21 Days of Docker” and the main idea behind this is to spend at least one hour of every day for next 21 days in Sharing Docker knowledge and then share progress via
- Website: http://100daysofdevops.com/
- Twitter: @100daysofdevops OR @lakhera2015
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/795382630808645/
- Medium: https://medium.com/@devopslearning
- GitHub: https://github.com/100daysofdevops/21_Days_of_Docker
This time to make learning more interactive, I am adding
- Slack
- Meetup
Please feel free to join this group.
Meetup Group
If you are in the bay area, please join this meetup group
Some of my Docker recommendations, but please feel free to add if I am missing anything.
Play with Docker Classroom
Linux Academy(Linux Academy is giving 7 days trial https://linuxacademy.com/join/pricing? )
Learn Docker by Doing
Docker — Deep Dive
Docker Certified Associate (DCA)
Safari Books Online(Safari Book give 10 days free trial https://learning.oreilly.com/register/ )
Udemy(Udemy give 30-day refund policy https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/sections/206457407-Refunds )