21 Days of AWS using Terraform — Day 2- Building AWS VPC using Terraform
Welcome to Day 2 of 21 Days of AWS using Terraform, Let continue our journey, yesterday I discussed terraform, today let’s build VPC using terraform
What is VPC?
Without going to all the nitty-gritty details of VPC, first, let’s try to understand VPC in the simplest term. Before the cloud era, we use to have datacenters where we deploy all of our infrastructures.
You can think of VPC as your datacentre in a cloud but rather than spending months or weeks to set up that datacenter it’s now just a matter of minutes(API calls). It’s the place where you define your network which closely resembles your own traditional data centers with the benefits of using the scalable infrastructure provided by AWS.
- Today we are going to build the first half of the equation i.e VPC
- Once we create the VPC using AWS Console, these things created for us by-default
* Network Access Control List(NACL)
* Security Group
* Route Table
- We need to take care of
* Internet Gateways
* Subnets
* Custom Route Table
But the bad news is as we are creating this via terraform we need to create all these things manually but this is just one time task, later on, if we need to build one more VPC we just need to call this module with some minor changes(eg: Changes in CIDR Range, Subnet) true Infrastructure as a Code(IAAC)
To read the complete blog
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- Looking forward for you guys to join this journey
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- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/laprashant/videos?view_as=subscriber
In addition to that, I am going to host 5 meetups whose aim is to build the below architecture.
- Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/100daysofdevops
- Day1(Nov 10): Introduction to Terraform https://www.meetup.com/100daysofdevops/events/266192294/
- Day 2(Nov 16): Building VPC using Terraform
- Day 3(Nov 17): Creating EC2 Instance inside this VPC using Terraform
- Day 4(Nov 23): Adding Application Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling to the EC2 instance created on Day 3
- Day5(Nov 24): Add Backend MySQL Database and CloudWatch Alarm using Terraform