21 Days of AWS using Terraform — Day 10- Introduction to IAM using Terraform
What is IAM?
Identity and Access Management(IAM) is used to manage AWS
- Users
- Groups
- Roles
- Api Keys
- IAM Access Policies
and it provide access/access-permissions to AWS resources(such as EC2,S3..)
If we notice at the right hand side at the top of console it says Global i.e creating a user/groups/roles will apply to all regions
To create a new user,Just click on Users on the left navbar
By default any new IAM account created with NO access to any AWS services(non-explicit deny)
Always follow the best practice and for daily work try to use a account with least privilege(i.e non root user)
IAM Policies: A policy is a document that formally states one or more permissions.For eg: IAM provides some pre-built policy templates to assign to users and groups
- Administrator access: Full access to AWS resources
- Power user access: Admin access except it doesn’t allow user/group management
- Read only access: As name suggest user can only view AWS resources
Default policy is explicitly deny which will override any explicitly allow policy
Let take a look at these policies
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*"
We can create our own custom policy using policy generator or written from scratch
So Custom Policy where everything denies for EC2 resources
“Version”: “2012–10–17”,
“Statement”: [
“Sid”: “Stmt1491718191000”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: [
“Resource”: [
- More than one policy can be attached to a user or group at the same time
- Policy cannot be directly attached to AWS resources(eg: EC2 instance)
- There is a really nice tool https://policysim.aws.amazon.com which we can use to test and troubleshoot IAM and resource based policies
Below is the simulation I run where I created a test user who has only Amazon S3 read only access
Now let me run the simulation,as you can see it’s a nice way to test your policies
To read the complete blog
Looking forward for you guys to join this journey
- Website: http://100daysofdevops.com/
- Twitter: @100daysofdevops OR @lakhera2015
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- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/laprashant/videos?view_as=subscriber
In addition to that, I am going to host 5 meetups whose aim is to build the below architecture.
- Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/100daysofdevops
- Day1(Nov 10): Introduction to Terraform https://www.meetup.com/100daysofdevops/events/266192294/
- Day 2(Nov 16): Building VPC using Terraform
- Day 3(Nov 17): Creating EC2 Instance inside this VPC using Terraform
- Day 4(Nov 23): Adding Application Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling to the EC2 instance created on Day 3
- Day5(Nov 24): Add Backend MySQL Database and CloudWatch Alarm using Terraform