100 Days of DevOps — Day 96-Document Object Model(DOM)

Prashant Lakhera
5 min readMay 18, 2019

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Welcome to Day 96 of 100 Days of DevOps, Focus for today is Introduction to Document Object Model(DOM)

Document Object Model(DOM)

DOM act as an interface between JavaScript and HTML/CSS code on a webpage

Most Modern Web browsers will construct the DOM which basically means storing all the HTML tags as Javascript objects

To check the DOM of any website

Go to console(In Chrome Browser → Right Click on WebPage → Inspect → Console)and type document


This will return the HTML text of the page

To see actual objects



As you can see DOM is enormous.

How to grab HTML elements from the DOM

HTML elements are properties of the DOM

Now let see some important document attributes

document.URL: Returns actual URL of the website

document.body: Returns everything inside body

document.head: Returns everything in the head of page

document.links: Return all the links on the page

Let see some methods for grabbing elements from the DOM


Returns elements based on whatever Id we passed


Returns elements based on whatever classname we passed, and then it return lists of all the items belonging to that class name


Return lists of all the items belonging to that tag name


Returns the first element matches the css style selector


Returns all the elements matches the css style selector

Now taking this code as an example let try to grab HTML elements

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>DOM Interaction</title>
<h1>Document Object Model(DOM) Interaction</h1>
<p>How to grab HTML elements from the DOM</p>
<p>HTML elements are properties of the DOM</p>
<h5>Now let see some important document attributes</h5>
<ul class="mytest">
<li id="test">document.URL: Returns actual URL of the website</li>
<li>document.body: Returns everything inside body</li>
<li>document.head: Returns everything in the head of page</li>
<li>document.links: Return all the links on the page</li>
<h5>Let see some methods for grabbing elements from the DOM</h5>
<ul class="mytest">
Returns elements based on whatever Id we passed</li>
Returns elements based on whatever classname we passed, and then it return lists of all the items belonging to that class name</li>
Return lists of all the items belonging to that tag name</li>
Returns the first element matches the css style selector</li>
Returns all the elements matches the css style selector</li>

As you see it document.url returns the actual URL of the website

Now let see document.body


Returns everything on the head page


In case if there are links in our page

These are all attributes, not methods so we don’t need to put parentheses in front of it

Now looks at important/useful methods


NOTE: It’s spelled as Elements(extra s)


# for id

. for class

As mentioned earlier query selector allows us to grab things based on CSS selectors and save a lot of our time. So querySelectorAll returns all the objects whereas querySelector returns all object.

Now let see how it's helpful for us

Take a simple example where I want to change the Header color

Change Header Color

Let’s Dig further how to interact with the HTML from the DOM and change text, HTML code and attributes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>DOM Interaction</title>
<h1>Document Object Model(DOM) Interaction</h1>
<p>How to grab HTML elements from the DOM</p>
<p>HTML elements are properties of the DOM</p>
<h5>Now let see some important document attributes</h5>
<li>document.URL: Returns actual URL of the website</li>
<li>document.body: Returns everything inside body</li>
<li>document.head: Returns everything in the head of page</li>
<li>document.links: Return all the links on the page</li>
<h5>Let see some methods for grabbing elements from the DOM</h5>
<ul class="test">
Returns elements based on whatever Id we passed</li>
Returns elements based on whatever classname we passed, and then it return lists of all the items belonging to that class name</li>
Return lists of all the items belonging to that tag name</li>
Returns the first element matches the css style selector</li>
Returns all the elements matches the css style selector</li>
<a href="http://www.google.com">google</a>

What textContent will do is just return the textContent


So now we need to change the style of content we need to use innerHTML which will return the actual html


getAttribute: Returns the original attributes

setAttribute: Allowed us to set attribute

So in the above example out of the class .test, first I want to grab URL(which is a part of anchor tag) and then I can update it using setAttribute.

Looking forward from you guys to join this journey and spend a minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days on DevOps work and post your progress using any of the below medium.




Prashant Lakhera

AWS Community Builder, Ex-Redhat, Author, Blogger, YouTuber, RHCA, RHCDS, RHCE, Docker Certified,4XAWS, CCNA, MCP, Certified Jenkins, Terraform Certified, 1XGCP